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news 26-Sep-2010

[26-Sep-2010] • Now accepting pre-orders for The People’s Farm

Malcolm Chase – The People’s Farm, English Radical Agrarianism 1775-1840

This book is due to be published on October 25th.
We are now accepting pre-orders on the website at a special pre-publication price.

Other News

John E. Archer, (author of By a Flash and a Scare), was interviewed for an episode of BBC Radio 4’s Making History. Among other subjects, this 30 minute programme covered The Halsted Riots of 1816, which were a precursor to the Captain Swing uprising of 1830. It is available to listen online at

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news 26-June-2010

[26-June-2010] • Forthcoming title announcement

Bob Bushaway – By Rite, Custom, Ceremony and Community in England 1700-1880

Bringing together a wealth of research, this book explores the view that rural folk practices were a mechanism of social cohesion, and social disruption. Through them the interdependence of the rural working-class and the gentry was affirmed, and infringements of the rights of the poor resisted, sometimes aggressively.

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news 23-May-2010

[23-May-2010] • Forthcoming title announcement

Malcolm Chase – The People’s Farm, English Radical Agrarianism 1775-1840

This book traces the development of agrarian ideas from the 1770s through to Chartism, and seeks to explain why, in an era of industrialization and urban growth, land remained one of the major issues in popular politics. Malcolm Chase considers the relationship between ‘land consciousness’ and early socialism; attempts to create alternative communities; and contemporary perceptions of nature and the environment. The People’s Farm also provides the most extensive study to date of Thomas Spence, and his followers the Spenceans.

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news 9-May-2010

[9-May-2010] • Announcing two forthcoming titles

Breviary Stuff Publications is pleased to announce the forthcoming publication of the following two works.

Roger Wells – Insurrection, The British Experience 1795-1803

On 16 November 1802 a posse of Bow Street Runners raided the Oakley Arms, a working class pub in Lambeth, on the orders of the Home Office. Over thirty men were arrested, among them, and the only one of any social rank, Colonel Edward Marcus Despard. Despard and twelve of his associates were subsequently tried for high treason before a Special Commission, and Despard and six others were executed on 21 February 1803. It was alleged that they had planned to kill the King, seize London and overturn the government and constitution.

Roger Wells – Wretched Faces, Famine in Wartime England, 1793-1801

“The histrory of riots reaches its full maturity when riots break out of monographic case studies to be incorporated into full histories. Roger Wells includes riot as one dimension of his rich attempt to comprehend the whole range of responses of British society to the famines of 1794-96 and 1799-1801. These famines dramatically revealed the fragile equilibrium underpinning national subsistence, and its propensity to collapse. Wells explains how and why the archaic structure of state and society in Britain did just manage not to collapse. He succeeds masterfully at the national level. His study is essential to a full undertsanding of British society.” 

We aim to have both these titles in print by the autumn. Further details will be available on the website shortly.